Monday, February 16, 2009

de regreso

La creatividad y la gueva son amigos traviesos......o la creatividad a veces se disfrasa de gueva para burlarse de la persona quien la espera......wait, wait....stop......writing in Spanish makes me self conscious. It makes me uncomfortable thinking about accents, spelling, and grammar. I have my husband next to me. I could easily ask him where an accent goes, etc....but it's tiring. It's an interruption. It's a test of his patience (which he does have), but I don't like to interrupt him.

What was I saying about creativity and laziness? Actually, I really don't have a point. I just wanted to fill an empty space with words (more like babble). I came today to record the day. Nothing exciting or remarkable happened, except:

1. I made my kick ass enchilandas for dinner
2. I finally finished my sewing projects
3. I managed to get off my sorry ass and go outside for a long walk
4. I didn't work today because it was a holiday
5. Rain woke me up.
6. I drove my husband to work (this made me happy because he loves his bike more than my car).
7. Our cats slept on our bed for most of the day (I love it when this happens because I have an excuse for not making the bed)
8. I managed not to do any school work
9. I saw half a rainbow during my afternoon walk. A half rainbow is better than none.

I think these are enough words for today.

1 comment:

  1. y me consta que las enchiladas si podrian patearle el trasero a cualquier platillo de cualquier restaurante pseudo-mexicano de aqui.
