Tuesday, October 19, 2010

my birthday wish

my birthday wish
Originally uploaded by mario leko
I've been 45 years old for more than 30 hours. The world did change. I got some new skin cells and I think I heard another
of my gray hairs scream: "fuck you, L' Oreal!"

My darling husband hooked me up with the digital world and gave me a fancy cell phone for my b-day. I'm learning to text message.
Thanks, V!

(and thanks to mario leko for the photo)


  1. Hi Trying:

    Happy birthday, the best gift for you is my wish: a long life happyness, V. for ever close to you... and one ton of L'oreal Multicolor.
    Enjoy the new cellphone and your new skin cell, equally.

    Nearby friends who give you beautyfull photos (Mr. Mario Leko is really good) and distant friends who do not manage to make yourself come an fucking letter, and for the fucking agencies of post office... (sorry, but...).


  2. Hi Trying:
    ¡Muy Feliz Cumpleaños!
    Espero que lo hayas disfrutado muchísimo...Yo creo que si, a pesar de un par de cabellos grises! :)


  3. Es la primera vez que tu regalo de cumpleaños tambien es para mi ;)

  4. Mr. Crónicas
    Thank you so much! The last time I treated my hair with L'Oreal was in the 80s (during my punk years). The pressure to dye one's hair is amazing at my age. Viva la resistencia!

  5. María Beatriz....

    Muchos thank you's. I had lots of fun. My b-day is not over as my husband and I like to celebrate all montho. He calls me his birthday gurrrrl.


  6. todavia:

    Hell froze! I still can believe you have a cell phone.

  7. October is not finished, you can still celebrate!!

    Happy october for your b-day!!!

    a big hug for you :)

  8. Primer deseo cumplido!! Tu papá va a estar bien :)

  9. feliz cumpleaños, amiga

  10. Todavia....estoy en El DMV
    I. Think I'm beginning to like this cel phone with internet

  11. Todavia....the only thing missing are my reading glasses.....thank Allah and Buddha my pop is ok!

  12. Cantodecaza.....gracias!
    oh....as I write this comment, I have this scary realization that
    I became part of that group of people that stares at a cell phone
    and types away in public......argh

  13. Well, I know I'm a week late but...

    I hope you (and Todavia) like this little present.

    If the player doesn't load automatically, you can go to hear it by clicking here.

  14. Muy feliz cumpleaños hayas tenido!
    Todavía no acaba el mes, si lo celebras todo el mes aún estoy dentro del tiempo :P
    un abrazo grande para ti! :)
