Monday, October 4, 2010

Sundays with V

He doesn't dream of having a million dollars. His dreams don't include a Pulitzer Prize. When he looks at a list of donations he is not impressed with the man who donated thousands of dollars, he's impressed with the person who donated and chose to remain anonymous. His little camera has a tiny black spot on the lense, but refuses to get a new one, "why? It's only dust," he says. He's a good son. He calls his mother every Sunday and he actually has things to talk about. "What about the person I was before I met you?" "What about all the people I hurt with my lies, my wicked ways, my cynicism, my destructive ways. etc.?" He loves me.

We went out  to breakfast yesterday. On the way home, i connected my ipod to the car's radio because I wanted to listen to a recoding of jarocho music. He wanted to film the farm fields of our town. He didn't mind the music.

I think we are learning to listen to music together.

p.s. Sunday drives make him happy.


  1. Yep, I know this is not facebook, twitter or one of those sites but, where is the 'I like' button?

  2. Empece a filmar porque me di cuenta que los surcos se movian al ritmo de la música. Fijate y verás.

  3. Vi muchos árboles, plantas, frutas, y colores. Quedaban muy bien con la música.

    You are in love :)

  4. Hi Trying:

    Love is, as you say: jarocha, silent.
    A car and a happy sunday.

    Is what they have built and deserve.

    You have a true love story.


  5. Señor Olague:

    Gracias por su visita. Mark Zuckerberg todavia no invade a Blogger.

  6. todavia: Si si ya me di cuenta...

    estaba pensando: ya toleras un poco mi music seguimos de esta manera el proximo año quiza escuchemos punk rock juntos :D

    si si ya se, te vas a divorciar de mi si te obligo a escuchar Los Tigres del Norte...lucky for me que no me gustan....hmmm, pero me gusta la version punk de contrabando y traicion.

    Ajem....Salieron de San Ysidro...procedentes de Tijuana.....traian las llantas repletas de marihuana....era emilio barrarrera y camelia la tejana....(that's all I know)

  7. Implicada,

    I must confess: I was inspired to write this post after reading your post from Sunday about your husband :)

    Thank you!!!

  8. Además, sueño con ganarme un millon de dólares: Pagariamos esta casa y les enviariamos al los del banco una copia de las escrituras para que las hicieran rollito y se la metieran por donde el cuero les haga remolino.


  9. Mactans:

    No puedo evitar el comentario, aún en un post ajeno.
    Si, eso. Mándaselos con una especie de folletín explicando el procedimiento a seguir, con dibujos e indicaciones. Como hacen ellos cuando te tratan como un niño idiota.


    Sorry, these comment of V. are very funny.

    You two are unique.

  10. Sí, no había caído en cuenta del ritmo de los surcos, cuando lo ví por primera vez tenía el volumen muy bajo.
